I am very happy to be in this building of historical importance. I want to begin to say that God is the author of time. It pleased Him that this moment He appoints my humble self to head and direct the affairs of the National Theatre of Nigeria. When in 1985 I had a rear privilege to appear on the National Theatre stage to perform under the Open Theatre programme of the National Theatre, I had never known that one day it will be my lot to direct the affairs of this magnificent monument of historical relevance.
Indeed, when many of my friends, colleagues, well-wishers said to me ‘welcome back home’, my mind went back to that historical period. I have come and it is my prayer and wish that I will see clearly and that I will also conquer. With God helping me and with you hardworking Directors and Staffs cooperating with us to actualize our vision for the National Theatre, I am confident that I will change the narrative of the National Theatre.
I am an incurable optimist, I like to look beyond the immediate challenges, of course challenges are meant for men to conquer, working together as one family, we will emerge victorious, we will be conquerors.
Please this is a new beginning. I am not part of your story before this arrival so let us begin to write our new story of excitement of success, of development of good things in the National Theatre on the world map of successful National Theatres in the world.
I don’t have much to say today because this job, this assignment is not for me alone. I am essentially to give direction. By the time I seat with you the Management staff, together we would fashion out the road map that will take us out of the woods. I am open to objective and workable ideas. One tree does not make a forest, so let us create this orchard of beautiful flowers with our different knowledge, experiences, contributions. A leader is as strong as his followers. Please follow me genuinely with open heart on this journey of our decision to recreate a National Theatre of our dream.
Thank you very much.
Prof. Sunday E. Ododo, fsonta, FNAL
2nd September, 2020
Short speech by Professor Sunday Enessi Ododo, fsonta, FNAL
General Manager/CEO, National Theatre, Nigeria on resumption to duty