NANTAP- National Association of Nigeria Theatre Arts Practitioners Has Awarded Prof. Sunday E. Ododo, fsonta, FNAL the highest title in the Association – fta – Fellow of Theatre Arts
Fellow of Theatre Arts – fta
The letter from the body reads in part “the Executive Council is honoured to convey to you the approval…your nomination for the conferment of the prestigious Fellow of Theatre Arts (fta). The conferment of the Prestigious Fellow of Theatre Arts (fta) is the highest honour of the National Association of Nigerian Theatre Arts Partitioners (NANTAP) bestowed on members and practitioners who have distinguished themselves through their work, as well as contributions to the advancement and development of theatre and the entertainment industry in Nigeria.” Prof. Sunday E. Ododo, fsonta, FNAL, ticked all the boxes as his prodigious body of works in volumes which includes the “Facekuerade” Performance Theory and his innovative leadership in the National Theatre which is repositioning the cultural edifice from just a venue to a creator of valuable artistic concepts and products as exemplified by the first National Theatre Festival of Unity which held last year, to mention but a few; also evincing his staller contributions to the Arts in both theory and practice creatively and as entertainment
The GM/CEO of National Theatre is a man of honour wherever he goes and in whatever capacity he finds himself as the erudite scholar and Professor of Performance Aesthetics and Theatre Technology is the Fellow to follow for success.
We at the National Theatre are saying hearty Congratulations to our GM/CEO, Prof. Sunday Enessi Ododo, fta, fsonta, FNAL, on this latest addition to a bulging cap of honours.
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